The weather behaved for tonight's eclipse.
Unfortunately, with the low level of light detected by the camera,
it decided to over-expose the pictures. Also, the exposure time,
.6 seconds here, might be long enough for the moon to have moved
enough to blur things.
Actually, it's the earth moving that causes the problem. The moon isn't
going down, the horizon is going up.
I know, let's stand him on his head.
Why he's no fun, he fell right over.
At 9pm enough of the moon is visable to speed up the auto-shutter speed.
This is 1/50th of a second and looks much better. For the next eclipse
in December of 2010 we'll try using the fixed shutter speed.
Centering the dark part of the moon lowers the light so the shutter
speed goes back to 1/6th of a second.