Finally got the vegetable garden planted. That's a row of cucumbers, another of cukes and lettuce, one of carrots, another of kohlrabi, one of kohlrabi and carrots, one of bok choy and lettuce on the end.
Behind the vegetables, mostly dandelions and thistles.
While planting the cukes we kept hearing a rustling in the pampas grass.
Thinking it was a garter snake, I shook the bush and out crawled this
The pampas grass where Roscoe lives.
Darlene's plants are more colorful.
More Irises...
Yet another Iris...
Some little blue icicle ground cover thingies...
A Mother's Day Fuchsia...
Antique Rose ground cover...
Purple Tri-colored groundcover...
Another rhodie with a honey bee...
A yellow rose...
Some daisies...
And a delicate little pink flower.
June 4th, 2006
A blue cosmos.
Rose hips from Hallstrom's farm on the Tolt.
Some sort of purple thing.
Poppies, that will make them sleep.
Another purple voluneer.
The plum tree is doing well this year.
I had to prop this poor branch up to keep it off the ground.
Darlene has almost finished weeding the path through the arbor.
An oranger antique rose.
A miniture rose.
A really miniture rose.
A full sized rose.
Some purple asters.
An exotic flower that is doing quite well in our yard.